Remember when you could eat as much pizza and ice cream as you pleased? While you may miss that time, it is essential to note that as you approach 50, the body’s metabolism slows down, and there is a decrease in oestrogen, among other hormonal changes, said Dr Archana Batra, dietitian nutritionist, physiotherapist and certified diabetes educator.
So, what do women in their 50s need to do for healthy living and ageing?
“If you want to live a healthy lifestyle, you must exercise and eat properly. As we age, the necessity to eat healthily becomes increasingly critical,” added Dr Batra.
She further said that while there are various other recommendations, they may differ according to a person’s age, exercise level, and other health conditions. “But there are some universal guidelines that are appropriate for most people over the age of 50, and you should keep them in mind to stay fit,” she told
Keep your bones safe
With age, the bones deteriorate due to reduced mobility and mineral loss. To prevent this deterioration and even osteoporosis, increase vitamin D and calcium consumption to three times each day. Also, there are many foods like cereal, bread, and juice, that are enriched with both these crucial dietary components.
Change your salt
Around this age, high blood pressure may become a problem. As such, getting rid of table salt is one step toward a heart-healthy diet. You can try spices like garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, pepper, citrus, and fresh herbs instead. You can also opt for sodium-free or low-sodium alternatives. Also, always check the sodium quantity of any packaged food you may consume. Preparing home-cooked meals with fresh ingredients is the simplest approach to keeping a tight eye on sodium intake.
Gut health equals good health
Urinary tract infections are also quite prevalent among people in their 50s. Antibiotics are widely used to treat UTIs and other infections, but these treatments destroy both good and bad bacteria (also known as probiotics, which are naturally found in the gut) and can harm the gastrointestinal system. Taking regular probiotic supplements and eating foods like yoghurt, paneer, kefir, buttermilk, idli, etc. helps to maintain healthy gut flora and assist the digestive system recover more quickly after taking these medications.
Maintain skin health with vitamin C and E
Seeds, nuts, oils, fruit and vegetables all are great sources of vitamin E, which can easily be incorporated into our diets. (Photo: Getty/Thinkstock)
Do not disregard dry, fragile skin as a ‘sign of ageing’. Being proactive and taking vitamins E and C can aid with proper hydration, which is important for enhancing skin suppleness and resilience. Sunflower seeds, almonds, and spinach are high in vitamin E, whereas bell peppers, broccoli, oranges, and tomatoes are rich in vitamins C. Skin in good condition will not be injured as easily, and eventually injuries will recover considerably faster. Remember that eating for your skin has both beauty and health benefits!
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Take fibre into your health account
Diabetes is becoming increasingly common these days. Dietary fibre helps to lower and regulate blood glucose levels by reducing the release of sugar into the bloodstream. It is also beneficial for digestion, cholesterol reduction, and weight management. It will also aid in the promotion of regular bowel movements. Plant foods such as beans, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and whole grains are the finest sources of fibre along with being nutrient dense.
It is usually tough to decide which diet is ideal for a woman over 50, especially if you’re experiencing bodily changes linked with ageing. “But, you do not need to make major dietary adjustments. Small efforts may give considerable benefits. The best diet is one that you can stick to and keeps you feeling your best. Consult your dietician before making any major changes to your diet or adding supplements to your routine to ensure it meets your needs,” said Dr Batra.
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